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10 Advantages of Virtual Reality (VR) for our life!

Virtual Reality VR
Photo by:CommScope

Recently, I have read a really interesting article by Jochen Paulus in the Psychologie Heute Journal, which gave a good overview of the impact of Virtual Reality (VR) in our future.

Even if VR has started in the context of 3D Animation within Computer Games, it will be an important help in our life.

Therefore I wanted to give you a short list with the benefits of VR:

  1. Easy to implement: VR can be implemented via VR-glasses, which cost below a 1000 Euro (when they were launched they cost many thousands)  or via a cheap paper support, in which you can put your Smartphone just before your eyes. So VR is accessible to everyone, who has already a Smartphone.
  2. Very realistically: Once you put on your VR-Device, you enter a new world, in which everything around you seems to be real: the people, the environment. And if you decide to wear the VR-glasses, you are also able to see yourself from all sides. This is a special functionality of the VR-Device also called augmented reality.
  3. Interactive: Independently, for what you intend to use the VR technique when you enter the VR, you are able to communicate with the virtual people, but they can also give feedback to your reaction. And you are also able to enter another body and to experiment how it feels to be someone else.
  4. Test before buying: When a new product is about to be launched on the market, customers can test the new product, see how it feels to use it and can also give useful feedback for the product development cycle.
  5. Experiment new contexts: VR offers you the possibility to travel to other countries and continents and see how it feels to be there. Why not use it for the next holiday planning?
  6. Work with it:  VR will be an important tool, which can ease your daily work. Technicians already work with VR-glasses, which help them to see building plans.
  7. Check investments: If you play with the thought to invest your money in foreign real estates, VR can give you in the first stage a hint, because you can visit those properties virtually. So VR helps you to select only the few you are really interested in.
  8. VR as Coach: There are VR programs, which can give you some hints on what to wear, what fits best with your body and style.
  9. VR as Personal Development CentreWant to train some skills? Want to get better in something? Searching for professional or personal development? Then VR can help you…
  10. VR in your free timeAre you bored? Why not play a game with VR? Or why not doing some sports with a virtual assistant?

As you see there are numerous possibilities, on how VR will surely be a constant factor in our future life.

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