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10 free online tools you can use to improve customers´ experience

online tools customers` experience
Photo by:Doug Belshaw

In older articles I have described some strategies you can use to improve your customers´experience at shopping. Because the better you know how to get under the skin of your target customers, the more content they will be with the products you offer to them and the longer they will be loyal to your business. And content customers are the best advertisement for your business, because they will also tell others about it and will spread your message to other people. And for you this means a growing customer base.

In order to be able to keep evidence and to collect all information you receive from your customers, you should do this in an organized way in oder to be able to find adequate business strategies, which you will later on implement into your business.

Therefore I have considered it to be useful to give you a list of 10 free online tools, which you can use to evaluate your customers` experience in a systematic way.

  1. Google Calendar: It helps you to schedule your business strategies on longterm e.g. the implementation of a new product, a new pricing system, and many other…
  2. Boomerang: Is a gmail extension, which gives you the possibility to schedule messages and reminder for messages you might want to send to your customers.
  3. Evernote: You have a lot of creative ideas concerning your new product? No problem save them in one place with this app.
  4. Rapportive: Is a gmail extension, which helps you to find out more details about the customers you address. This helps you in describing a more detailed avatar profile of your target customers.
  5. Last FM: Suggest you music lists with various artists you can use for background music in your shop.
  6. Bubble Us: Is a great tool for creating mind maps, you can use for elaborating creative marketing strategies.
  7. Google Drive: A free cloud service hosted by google, in which you can store your word, excel, powerpoint, pdf and jpeg docs you create in the evaluation you do periodically.
  8. Jotform: You want to create feedback forms? No problem with this app. After you are content with the form, you can submit it easily via link.
  9. Mailchimp: Offers you the possibility to write to your customer base 12.000 messages per month to keep in touch with their wishes.
  10. Invite all: Is a Facebook extension, which helps you to invite all your friends to an event. This is useful, when you want to celebrate something or promote a product.


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