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10 tools for your blog

Tools Blog


Since I have started this Blog in March 2016 I tested a number of tools to make it easier to manage it. From all the tools found on the market, I only kept a small number, which I found truly useful. These tools I want to share with you in this post.

So, which are the 1o tools I recommend for managing a blog?

1. Questionnaires & Forms

Questionnaires & Forms are useful to receive reader`s feedback on their preferences about your blog.  Free tools I have used so far are Google Forms and Jotform.

2. Blog Stats

Want to know who accessed your Blog, how many times an article was read and the time people usually spend on your site. All this information can be found via Google Analytics.

3. Images

You should include images in your postings because they are eye-catching but also beneficial for SEO. Painless solutions to find great images are Flickr or FreeImages.

4. Graphic Design

Want to include a great infographic or image collage into your blog post to exemplify clearer what you have written about. No problem, try Canva out! You will love it.

5. eMail – Marketing

Building a relationship with your readers is essential for growing your brand. This is the fundament for selling your products to them. I use MailChimp for eMail-Marketing because it helps me to automate new blog postings to my list, but also sending supplementary messages to them according to my aim.

6. Subscriber-Box

In order to transform readers into subscribers and in time into fans, you need a simple solution on your blog. This is called a pop-up box which appears when someone enters your blog and invites them to subscribe. A good solution for this is Opt-in Monster.

7. Social Media

In order to automatize blog postings on your Social Media channels so that you do not have to post manually every time you write a new article, you can opt for Buffer or IFTT. They offer you also the possibility to schedule a new post in advance.

8. Content – Management

I use to write two times a week for blog postings. I have scheduled them into my google calendar. Additionally, I use to keep a list of subjects I intend to write about in the future.

9. Keyword-Planner

Besides writing on your blog regularly, it is also important to write about topics your readers are interested in. This information is easily filtered by Google Keyword Planner.

10. Webpage Speed

Periodically, once per month, I use to test the speed of the blog to see what I can improve about it. Great help for me is WebPage Test.

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