In business positioning is very important and an essential part of the branding process. Positioning means to create a product which has special and unique characteristics. It has to be different from what your concurrence offers. The aim is to offer exactly what your customer wishes according to one`s ideal.
So what do you have to do? Adapt and readapt your product continuously, until you fulfill those wishes. How do you get to know what your customers wish?
- You simply ask them – create a short questionnaire on google docs and send it to your target customers. The questions would be: What do you think about my product? What could I improve? What is still missing? What would you have expected? What experiences did you have with similar products? What did you like about them? What not?
- You give them a “sample” of your product – You let them test your product out for free and observe how they behave when they use it, what attitudes they have, what their spontaneous reaction is when they come in contact for the first time with it and so on.
- Make a research on what your direct competition on the market offers! What could you make better? How could you add more value to your products?
After you hear those suggestions, do not hesitate and put them into practice as soon as you can. Only a product, which fulfills people´s expectations is probable to be better sold.
Besides this you can help yourself by success ideas to position your product. There are four principles:
- UPS (“unique selling position” – be unique and better than your competition)
- KISS (“keep it short and simple”- provide easily understandable information concerning your product)
- FIRST (try to find a market niche and be the very first on the market)
- VOICE (Communicate the benefits and advantages of your products loudly)
I would be curious how you proceed in positioning your product? Which strategies have you used?
- Kirchler, E. (2011). Wirtschaftspsychologie. Individuen, Gruppen, Märkte, Staat. 4. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Hogrefe: Göttingen.