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5 free Twitter Apps for iPhone and Android

free Twitter Apps

Nowadays, many people use Social Media only through their mobile devices. So they need suitable apps, which help them to maintain their activity on the social networks.

On myself I prefer to work on Social Media only through my Laptop, because I like to work with many pages simultaneously and this is pretty difficult, if you have only a small screen. But for those of you, who use their mobiles to post on Social Media I made a research and present you here the most interesting 5 free Twitter Apps I have found on the internet.

  1. Echopfon: Is an app that offers both push notifications and inline image previews. The app can be personalized by choosing between one of six different themes and integrate it with “read it later”- services. Works on iOS and Android.
  2. UberSocial: This app provides you cool features to your Twitter Account like a movable bar, which gives you access to all your options – and you can hide it, when you want to make more room on your screen. Available on both systems.
  3. HootSuite: HootSuite is a well-known social media management tool, also great for managing your twitter account. So you can schedule your upcoming tweets right from the app.
  4. Falcon: If you want to benefit from fast streaming and search, install this app on your mobile device. So you will be up to date with all the latest trends. Have also a view at the interesting hashtag search engine.
  5. Janetter: The app is great to manage multiple Twitter Accounts and to bookmark multiple timelines.


Do you actually use apps for your Twitter Account? If yes, which of them are the most useful to you? You can share them with me.


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