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5 instruments for testing your product on the market

Photo by: Joan Font Rosillo

In order to get to know what your customers think about your product you should test it before launching. Therefore you can conduct product tests to be able to compare and evaluate product characteristics subjectively.

Hereby you can vary different alternatives of your product and see which impact this has on your target customers`perception. For example you can vary the packages, the size of your product or its color. The methods of product tests are interviewing potential consumers and/ or observing their behavior when they interact with your product. So you won´t have a bad surprise when your product is already on the market.

The following list should give you an overview over the most used five instruments in product testing.



  • Kirchler, E. (2011). Wirtschaftspsychologie. Individuen, Gruppen, Märkte, Staat. 4. vollständig  überarbeitete Auflage. Hogrefe: Göttingen.



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