I have been always admiring sports people. Remembering my childhood it was always a great event to watch the Olympic Games, to see so many different sports people, who were competing in different disciplines to be on one of the very first places and to make people from their country feeling proud of them.
Competitions, in which you see them giving their very best, pushing their limits. Saving their last power to perform as good as they can. Going on with a can-do attitude even if things do not happen as expected…
We should take such people as a model of “achieving extraordinary things with average talent” and to apply this philosophy not only in life but also in business.
Therefore I like to present you 6 business lessons we can inspire from them:
- Be focused on your goal: When you practice extreme sports, you have to become a master in managing your time – to schedule sports daily. And you learn to combine activities with sports – like going to work by bike. You learn to prioritize activities that really matter to you and to say no to unessential things.
- Formulate stages to sustain your motivation: According to the theory of motivation intensity, we increase our efforts, when we see that a goal is reachable for us. When you take part in a competition you have to split your training into stages – start with easier goals, take typical situations, learns some techniques and only after one stage is fulfilled one goes to the next. The short term goal should be reachable, the long-term goal can remain visionary.
- Find sustainment in teamwork: Training is easier when it is done in a team – when handling a difficult task you will perceive it not that stressful when you collaborate with others. Also, the result should be better, when the group members are motivated and having the same goal.
- Have breaks to manage your energy level: The best training effects are obtained when you do not train at all. Breaks should be neither too long, to minimize training effects nor too short so that you are not able to regenerate. You have to feel when your resources go down. Sell-reflection is another skill, which works best when you do not train at all.
- Feel respect: You begin to appreciate more what you have in your life. You become aware of the fact that you have limits and are vulnerable. Daily problems will not seem that apocalyptic anymore, you will find them trivial. Therefore you will be more patient and are more indulgent with people in your life.
- Become resilient and more tolerant to frustration: You will be emotionally more flexible in stressful situations and know how to react to them. You will learn that a failure is a motivation to give more, not to give up. Because first, you have to learn to loose, afterward you will win.
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