Test & Questionnaires
6 Lessons of inner peace – Lesson I

6 Lessons of inner peace – Lesson I

Close your eyes. Think about the child you have been. At the same time, talk to him. Laugh with him. Simply love it. It is one of six lessons that philosophers, psychoanalysts and physchotherapists teach us to lead us to inner peace. Initiated during the summer break, this practice will accompany you throughout the year. A little serenity in a world of bullies.

Accept your shadow areas

To offer you a real tete-a-tete with yourself, in all objectivity, the psychotherapist Christophe Andre suggests the intimacy of the page.

One lead: keep a journal.

Putting words on ailments “allows to give them a meaning, an existence”, advances Dominique Miller, clinical psychologist. 

Advice from the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Christophe Andre: “Do not try to make beautiful sentences. The important thing is to describe the sensations and the impressions as they come. We risk being disappointed at first when we notice the banality of what we write, but little by little, the writing is refined, at the same time that we become more precise in the description of one’s soul states. “


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