Marketing has changed over time – from advertising in the press, on billboards, TV, and radio to a fragmented way of promoting on Social Media.
Consumers are nowadays always connected on Social Media but are easily distracted by the huge amount of information. So it is quite difficult to really make people listen to the marketing message. Their cognitive capacity is too limited to process all the information.
So here are 9 reasons why you should focus on contextual personalization:
1. The market offer is too big for the evolutionary level of our cognition.
2. The optimization of the variables human behavior will guide our buying decisions in four ways:
a) consequences of attention towards a direction when we search something
b) the effort required to take action
c) the anticipated reward
d) the projected risks associated with the implementation of the new
3. People use heuristics for taking decisions. Heuristics are thumb rules, which we use to obtain gain with little effort and risk. Examples are: “bulk-buy heuristic”; “spread attention” heuristic; “Check if the product is somewhere cheaper”-heuristic…
4. The timing of marketing is crucial. For this reason, you should put yourself a series of questions: Where is the consumer when you market your product to one? How does one feel in that context? What is one doing? What is one likely to think about? Which element of your marketing message captures the consumer`s attention?
5. Watch out for people`s indifference referring to your marketing message. Think of how many people are indifferent to what you are saying to them. And how many of them will just skip your message.
6. Try different things out and see what is working. Build experimentation in marketing activity and do A/B testing (create two versions of your marketing message, in which only a single element differs, and see which one of them brings better results) using multi-variate technology (e.g. more marketing channels).
7. Focus on User Experience – develop a communication, in which the user can filter out easily, what he prefers. Use titles, subtitles, bold and cursive fonts or even colors.
8. Make yourself easy to find – people should know where they can find you to put their questions.
9. Packing counts – take care of a good content of the message and make it look nice.