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Everyone of us has a life story, which remains

Photo by:mari

We always leave behind things we cannot solve, unspoken words, unfulfilled facts.

They do not have their place on the priorities list, others are just ongoing. We try to adapt to the new unfolded with the new rules, rules we maybe do not wish anymore.

Over everything now is falling a light, one which conducts us to a beginning. It is the light which some of us need to see where they are going to. Today`s light make that the things are not seen just like yesterday or the day before. Its lights are following a direction, which you want to take on.

In your life story you step frightening like to something new, but the more you advance the more optimistic you are. Trust in yourself counts a lot, it gives you elan and impulse that you can overcome this obstacle.

Everyone of us follows a trajectory, the one we think that it is our own. We build, we get excited, we wish to try things out we have not done yet. Because we want experiment the new and to see something else. It is the course in which you take responsibilities on your own on what you want to follow. Because it is your life and you set the rules in it.

When your life story comes to the end, you have to be aware of the fact that everyone of us has a life story, which remains.

Like the story of Christopher Columbus who discovered America, the love story of Romeo and Juliet, the well-known story of Mother Theresa, the story of the queen of hearts Lady Di … And between people who know you… your life`s story.

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