What can be understood by gratitude? Do we human beings need to share gratitude with other people? Do they really understand the gratitude we show to them? How do they perceive it? How do we understand what they respond to us?
We actually need each other. We do not function in another way. How is the gratitude perceived that we bring to others? Do we really know how to make ourselves understood. To display simply on the exterior what we feel?
Sometimes we say words but most of the times through our feelings gratitude comes out of us, just like that. We wait before we present the gratitude in front of the other, and we ask ourselves how we might be perceived by the others. We do not want to disappoint the others, we do not want to hurt them. We see us in front line just like being confronted with a lesson. We want to bring it quickly behind us but at the same time to say it rarely so that it is perceived in its true meaning. We intimidate, we blush, we feel uncomfortable in our skin. The one who is listening to what we say is also intimidated. He/She waits for our reaction to see what will happen next. We wait for the other`s reaction, we wait for a gesture to find courage and get over this moment. We have a lump in the throat which we cannot swallow at all. With a fast heartbeat we finally end our speaking. The other listens to it. We see from one`s reaction that it did well. We find courage when we see the other`s face shining by hearing our speech. We try to show on our side a small part of feeling of what he/she returned to us. We feel good that we have been understood and that we have shown our gratitude.
We breath deeply similar after a successful ended task. We try to spend more time with the respective person we feel good this way. We are fine now. The moments are moving slowly, it seems like an eternity. We respond indulgently with gestures. We try to leave the scene to not be perceived in a bad way.
We feel good that we made this task we felt heavy on our soul. Gratitude is a form to show the person around you a response to a problem you had to bring to the very end. If this person was close to you or not the real importance plays the gesture the person did for you at a certain moment. Maybe this did not play a very important role or was not significant to the other person at that moment. He/She just did it or it just happened this way. This chance was a miracle for you which you did not expect.
Is this thank really sufficient? Did we really do “enough” for what we received once? We always remember dearly what once happened to us and changed the course of our lives or maybe it helped us in our difficult moments. A good wish, a gesture of generosity, a smile. It is so easy to exchange such experiences when you know to do it at a certain moment this makes the person in front of us feeling good. We open our wings and are prepared for new challenges. It is a step forward full of trust that we will succeed.