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Here are some ideas on how to improve your shop` s organization

shop organization
Photo by:Michael Caven

Exterior localization of the shop

  • Customers have a mental map of the geographic situation of the shop, which helps them to orient on how to find it easily.
  • They memorize streets, intersections, banners and other significant signs on the way to the shop.
  • Shops, which are situated on the corner of a street are easier to find and to remember.
  • The same principle fits also for shops with a extravagant design of the facade.


  • Do not use Marketing Information at the entrance part, because it is likely not to be observed.
  • When Customers enter a shop they need time to adapt to the new environment.

Inside the shop

1. Corridors

  • Arrays on the floor influence people which paths they take when they go through the shops and also in which direction to walk.
  • Try to create broad corridors, which can be accessed from two directions to avoid the feeling of restriction.

 2. Interior Design

  • Take care on how you organize the shelves: products on the sight-level (120cm) and products on the hand-level (80 cm) above the floor are sold the best, because they are the most visible ones. Products above 160 cm and under 50 cm are sold the poorest.
  • Organize the products in different categories, this will help your customers to find, what they are searching for.
  • Use Ad Displays for certain products, because they increase your selling numbers especially for cheap products. Moreover they encourage impulsive buying. A better effect can be obtained, when you also display a price discount on the Ad Displays.
  • Position products, you want to make visible, into the corners of your shelves.
  • Banners and Pictures help people to orient in a better way and to distinguish your shop from other similar ones.
  • Avoid crowing to many objective in one place – people will not feel comfortable when they are constricted.

3. Checkout

  • Waiting above 90 seconds, is perceived as waiting per se.
  • Waiting times can be shortened if customers are distracted by pleasant music, special products, videoclips, newspapers or special displays.
  • Customers  have to perceive the checkout order as fair according to the principle first came, first served.


  • Friendly vendors transmit a positive attitude and transmit positive emotions, which are contagious to the customers.
  • Vendors with a untypical appearance are categorized positively

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