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How to please your customers

Photo by: Celestine Chua

In the following post entrepreneurs as well as marketers get an input of five methods what they can do to make sure that their customers are content.It is surely important to find new customers, but it is far more essential to know how to keep them for a long period of time. The five methods are the following: 

  1. Get to know your customers: It is important to know what are the wishes of your group of customers are. You can help yourself by questionnaire in which you can ask your customers or potential target what they would prefer to buy or what they miss in the current offer. Leave also a blank space in which you give them the chance to give you suggestions you maybe did not thought about yet. If you do not like to use forms in typed or digital version the other option is simply to address to them verbally. 
  2. Fulfill the customers`wishes: Now you evaluate the questionnaire`s results and make your conclusion. Consider now right strategies to fulfill those wishes. It might be useful to note the different customers` ideas on a sheet of paper and to cluster them thematically. After that you can imagine for every category of ideas practical solutions. For structuring the whole process it can be also helpful to use graphic methods like mind mapping.
  3. Assure your own visibility on the market: Customers have many sources of information to get to know quickly where they find what to which price. In this way they discover the most advantageous offers on the market. Conclusion: make sure that your offer is placed visible on the market. You can use for example Social Media, written prospects, Flyers and many others…
  4. Keep in contact with your customers: It is said that a business lives from relations with its customers. To keep in touch with their needs and their wishes try to stay in contact with a group of your customers. So your effort should stay in trying to keep good relations. For a medium of contact with your customers you can exchange also mailing addresses or implement a Facebook page of your company in order to answer to their questions.
  5. Make the difference between loyalty and satisfaction: Customers can be loyal that means they are attached to a certain product/brand or producer – you can compare it to a habit. But even if they have bought a product over time (loyally) they can suddenly change their mind and go shopping elsewhere. There can be also other customers that shift regularly when they go shopping, because they change their mood often. Satisfaction reflects the continuous comparison between the individual needs and and fulfilling of them through goods.  So it is in your interest to understand your customers as good as possible to try to satisfy their needs and to adapt in time to them. Practically, you can implement from period to period a method in which your customers can give you feedback.

In the five mentioned points you can have an orientation to make a first step towards your customers. But it is up to you how open you are to the new in trying the five points out.  



How do you see customers` satisfaction? 


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