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I test … breathwork



This American method called breathwork, for personal development is based on conscious breath.

“Is there a pregnant woman or a cardiac person in this room?”. This question put at the beginning of the session makes me laugh. I cannot imagine how a participant can experience a heart attack during a respiratory exercise. It is known, that breathwork is a personal development method based on a conscious breath. It can be found under different names like “transformational breath” or “rebirth”. The session contains in taking profound respirations, through the mouth at the belly level or the chest level, after that to expire through the mouth during around 20 minutes on a rhythmic music environment, in order to end with relaxation. On the physiological plan, this hyperventilation increases the oxygen level of the blood and the brain and stimulates the elimination of endorphins. On the mental plan, the technique helps to relax.

First of all, you put one hand on the heart and the other on the belly. I start with this very particular respiration. Then I lay down on a carpet with an eye mask, something warm under a deck, and for 20 minutes of respiration, I spend listening to recent songs.

After the relaxation technique, you feel energized. You have the impression that you are catapulted to a parallel world, so work stress does not touch you that much. During the session, the coach proposes to reflect on a new intention, take as a goal the daily humor in order to free you better from blockages.

The session of respiration can be disagreeable after some time. There can be tingles in the hands and chills. Anxious thoughts can turn in your mind. It is a happy moment when the relaxation phase is announced. Everything flys and the relaxation is complete.


The effect is strong. The method does not have a definite protocol, so you should verify the seriosity of the practician. In a group, you can profit from collective energy.

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