Since Instagram is part of Facebook it received its own algorithm that means the Instagram Feed follows no longer a chronological order but it personalized for its users.
Therefore creative influencer found several methods to trick this algorithm out for obtaining more likes and comments:
1. WhatsApp Groups
The new algorithm rewards new posts in the first 30 to 60 minutes. Therefore influencer has founded on WhatsApp and Telegram thematic groups for e.g. fashion, fitness, health, sports having hundreds of members registered. As soon as you post something new on Instagram, the only thing you have to do is to take the link and to post it your niche group and the other members have to give likes and comments even if you do not know each other.
2. PowerLikes
The PowerLike provider has many Instagram accounts with millions of follower. You can buy a PowerLike and in this way, you can obtain likes from those accounts. A good method for tracking the algorithm out and widening the reach.
3. Unfollow-Bots
Those are Bots, which follow automatically all the time profiles and unfollow them some days later. Users usually follow back and influencer obtains in this way many followers.
4. Buy Follower
Influencer does not use this method that often anymore. You can buy from 500 to 50 000 followers but you have to know that those accounts are not real followers, so their quality is therefore bad, because bots cannot buy the products you promote.
5. Buy Profiles on the Black Market
Even if Instagram forbids this practice, you can buy big Instagram Profiles with Bitcoins on the Black Market. With this method you will profit from a big reach.
6. Hashtag Bots
They like automatically posts with a certain hashtag and catch User’s attention. They pretend that you are always active on Instagram.
7. Buy Shoutouts
Big Accounts sell Shoutouts to smaller accounts and promote in exchange their post. The big account posts a picture of a smaller account and hyperlinks or tags the smaller profile. By this way, you can obtain new followers from the bigger accounts.