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Psychological Hacks for your Facebook Ads

psychological hacks facebook ads
Why do businesses invest in creating ads with impact?

They want their consumers to identify with their brand!

Nowadays the best place to run your ads on is Social Media, or better said Facebook.

Why running ads on Facebook (or other Social Media Channels)?

Because people spend most of their time there. People have become addicted to checking out what is new on Facebook and what others have meanwhile posted there. Their Smartphone is always in their next proximity. Especially, Millenials are very responsive to what is going on their Social Media Profiles.

So it makes sense to invest in Facebook Ads because it offers the possibility to position your business as you wish and to get consumers to identify with your brand seeing it as an extension of them. Facebook generates always ads and publishes them in the chronical of your prospects so there is a higher probability that they develop a favorable opinion of your brand.

People want to present them in a very positive light on Facebook, this will shine also on your brand. This kind of classical conditioning – exposing them together with your product repeatedly –  will lead in time to their identification with your product and brand.

How to do this the best?

Create ads, which are suitable for the mobile view, because most people will watch it on their Smartphone. Facebook says, that 80% of client Ad should be spent on mobile. Try also to put yourself into Mobile Users Shoes to understand how they perceive your Ad.

Think also about how your ad is going to look like, which heading should it have? How do you want to appeal your prospects? Do you want to touch them either emotionally or logically? Which price strategy to you target? Which is the suitable image to communicate this?

All those ideas are summarized in the following infographic:

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