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Something about communication

Photo by: Ken Whytock

How willing are we to talk with others about ourselves? About what we think and feel regarding to the people around us. About what we wish and what we do not wish. How many of us are powerful enough to talk openly?

If we are sociable or not we fit with some persons in whom we believe that we can trust them. We wish many times to open to the others. We have moments in which we want to communicate with someone we trust in. It is not necessary that a person, who is attractive on the exterior is also trustful.

Personalities we feel open and communicative at the first sight bring us to take the same attitude. We like to fit to them in our communication style, they make us believe that we know them for a long time, they are familiar to us. We like to come close to them, because we feel good around them. We search for their closeness even if after that they do not want us anymore for different reasons. We become dependent on their presence. We try to meet their sight, to greet them even if only for some seconds. We long only for a short sight and this makes us content, it fills our day. It is a mouthful of fresh air, which we need to breath without we can not take it anymore. We communicate nonverbally and this makes us feeling good. After that we seek for another form of communication. Coming close is not always wished by both sides. Maybe it was only a changing of atmosphere, maybe it was a diversity to change the present mood, maybe something done instinctively because of being bored. Maybe something of all together which resulted in nothing at the end. Maybe a loss of communication, which everyone of the individuals understood on his/her way the current state. It is a state that everyone lived on on his/her own, because the closeness was based only on formality. Without form or basis. A state without a substance which left just as it came. 



How do you see communication? Please share your point of view.

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