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10 free online tools you can use to improve customers´ experience

online tools customers` experience
Photo by:Doug Belshaw

In older articles I have described some strategies you can use to improve your customers´experience at shopping. Because the better you know how to get under the skin of your target customers, the more content they will be with the products you offer to them and the longer they will be loyal to your business. And content customers are the best advertisement for your business, because they will also tell others about it and will spread your message to other people. And for you this means a growing customer base.

Read More »10 free online tools you can use to improve customers´ experience

characteristics competitive enterprise

Two key characteristics of a competitive enterprise

An enterprise (self-owed or corporation) produces and distributes scare goods on the market.  In order to remain competitive on the sales market it needs a well-thought strategy to be able to find appropriate problem solutions. For this reason you first have to understand how enterprises conceptually work to be able to act adequately. This will give you an indication on how to be a successful entrepreneur. 

Read More »Two key characteristics of a competitive enterprise