Crossing Emotional Horizons: A Female Story of Transformation from 2023 to 2024

Introduction: The Dance of Feminine Emotions in Time As I relive 2023 and head into 2024, I feel the unique pulse of a woman’s journey full of colors and nuances. This retrospective is not only a look at the past, but also a revelation of the intimate spaces of female psychology that have guided and will continue to guide future […]

Rethinking: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know

In a constantly changing world, it is important to be able to rethink our beliefs and ideas. This allows us to adapt to new information and keep our minds open to new possibilities. Rethinking is the process of reconsidering an idea or belief based on new information or a new perspective. This process can be difficult, as it may involve […]

The Magic of Christmas: Communication as the Light that Warms Hearts

Every year, as December unfolds, the world is enveloped in a magical atmosphere, and hearts are filled with joy and warmth. It’s the time of Christmas, a moment when magic becomes tangible, and communication becomes the glue that binds souls. Amidst the daily hustle and bustle, the winter holidays bring a oasis of peace and harmony, and communication becomes the […]

A Plea for Simplicity in a Materialistic World

We live in a world where materialism is rampant. We are bombarded with messages telling us to buy more, have more, be more. This can lead to a number of problems, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and even financial problems. Simplicity is a way to escape from this materialistic world and find happiness and fulfillment in a more authentic way. […]

Your thoughts deserve to be heard

The truth is, it’s never too late to start expressing your thoughts. No matter your age, you have something to say and you deserve to be heard. There are many reasons why people might not express their thoughts. Maybe they’re afraid of judgment, rejection, or confusion. Or maybe they simply don’t know how to express their thoughts clearly and concisely. […]

Depression or the guilt of being yourself. The narcissistic self and the authentic self

Depression and the guilt of being yourself are two complex emotions that can be closely related. Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, including trauma, stress, and personality disorders. Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an exaggerated self-image and need admiration. Authentic self is the concept of being yourself without pretending or trying to […]

Gratitude and Motivation: How to Motivate Yourself Through the Good Things in Your Life

Gratitude and motivation are two concepts that may seem at odds at first glance. Gratitude focuses on the good things in our lives, while motivation focuses on achieving our goals. However, the two concepts are actually closely linked. Gratitude can help us increase our motivation in a number of ways. First, it can help us focus on the good things […]

Self-Discovery: A Journey into Oneself, Without the Pressure of Perfection

Self-discovery is a fascinating journey into the inner world of each individual. Contrary to common perception, self-discovery does not mean shining with perfection or reaching an unreal standard of idealism. It is rather a sincere and open exploration of oneself, involving the acceptance of personal flaws and shortcomings. In our modern society, there is often an implicit pressure to be […]

Synaptic Symphony: The Silent Dance of Interconnected Minds

Introduction: Behind the thick curtains of the skull, an unseen and inaudible orchestra unfolds its synaptic symphony, where my brain secretly dances with other minds in a harmony of thoughts and ideas that transcend the individual barriers of consciousness. This article delves into the fascinating realms of subtle dialogues between these small thinking centers, revealing how our minds silently interact […]

Live without perfection

The time waster, the dilettante, the calm one, the lukewarm one: Nils Spitzer outlines counter concepts to perfectionists in his book Overcoming Perfectionism.And recommends exercises to learn from them. Exercise with wasting time: Stroll and dawdle Intentionally disregard a specified duration, for example of distances, and procrastinate and slow your pace. Pretend to look around sluggishly, bend down and untie […]