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What do people “like”?

like Facebook
Photo by: Sean MacEntee

Every day I open Facebook to see what is new on my newsfeed I see a lot of new posts, shared posts, liked posts or sponsored posts. And then I ask myself what makes people react to a post on Facebook and give it a share or like?

Or better said, what do people like to see on Facebook?

  1. According to marketing expert Purush Papatla, people like content, which reflect their established behavior. For example, people who love practicing sports in daily life will give likes on posts with sports content.
  2. People give a like or a share to a post, which will make them look good in the eyes of their follower, to create a good impression.
  3. Content, which might be useful to the followers is also often liked or shared.
  4. Topics, which create controversy and open discussions are also likely to be liked or shared.
  5. If people like a product, they will give more likes to it, if the ad presents different traits of it – they want to see the product from different angles to be able to make an opinion about it, to decide if it is worth to buy it.

Now I would like to know when you decide to give a Like? Please share some ideas in the comment field below!

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