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Assess your stress level (Test)

While most stress measurement scales are based on events (death of a loved one, divorce, etc.). We have designed the following tool, based on our feelings. Fill out this questionnaire to find out where you are. Without stressing!

Indicate the extent to which each of the statements opposite applied to you in general during the past two years. Respond quickly and spontaneously, without worrying about checking your answers afterwards, using the following rating scale.

1. Almost never (1 point)

2. Sometimes (2 points)

3. Often (3 points)

4. Almost always (4 points)


Assess your stress level


To know your current state, add up your points.

From 30 to 60 points: You don’t seem to be concerned about stress.

Your mind remains calm and serene and you do not feel those expressions of annoyance, anger or tension that are the misfortune of so many others. Maybe you don’t have any major stressors in your life right now, without major strains or difficulties? Perhaps you are also someone who knows how to deal with bouts of pressure with hindsight and serenity? Above all, don’t change anything!


From 61 to 90 points: Stress, you know, and it is useful to you.

Even if it has not completely invaded you, this stress can be useful to you, in so far as it often encourages you to give the mesh of yourself and stimulates you in the face of the difficult situations you encounter. But beware of possible excesses. So you should try to resist him a little better. Reading, sports, relaxation…find your own way to let go.


From 91 to 120 points: Your stress level is high and you suffer from it.

Your body manifests it, as well as your mood. This state may even seem inevitable to you, because you have trouble coping with a complicated existence full of obligations. But there is still time to take matters into your own hands. The help of a stress specialist (doctor or therapist) could be useful to you, so do not hesitate to consult.






1 thought on “Assess your stress level (Test)”

  1. Thanks for filling out the questionnaire! For the entry key b7gl7 who has completed it today, you see the following result. You obtained 88 points. Here is the evaluation:

    From 61 to 90 points: Stress, you know, and it is useful to you.

    Even if it has not completely invaded you, this stress can be useful to you, in so far as it often encourages you to give the mesh of yourself and stimulates you in the face of the difficult situations you encounter. But beware of possible excesses. So you should try to resist him a little better. Reading, sports, relaxation…find your own way to let go.

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