I hope you had fun playing “The towers of Hanoi” and maybe asked yourself how our brain finds the solution for a problem.
We perceive a problem in the first case and according to our perception, we categorize the difficulty of a problem. After that, the problem-solution process consists of restructuring the problem until we find the idea of a solution. Thereby we use the knowledge we applied in the past to find a successful solution or put together innovative strategies to find the key we are searching for. The solution happens suddenly and is accompanied by an “Aha” sensation.
Wallas defines 4 stages of a creative problem solution:
- Preparation
- Incubation
- Illumination (Solution)
- Verification
Complex daily situations are compared to the “Tower of Hanoi” problem diffuse so there is no clear specification of what problem solution you actually are searching for. So a part of the problem solution is often to find the relevant information.
This time I invite you to play some chess and to train your strategic capacity of thinking.
If you want to play some science-based interactive games to train your memory, I want to invite you to make yourself a profile on:
They have also a free version, but you can upgrade also to the premium version to make your brain fit like a sneaker!
Looking forward to reading your feedback in the comment section!