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Three books I’ve been reading lately

It has been a while since I have written my last article. This time I am writing on a rainy afternoon and I thought that I could share with you three books I’ve been reading lately and I found it very interesting. They are: 

  1. Unlimited Power –  Tony Robbins
  2. Atomic Habits – James Clear
  3. Becoming – Michelle Obama

Now let us start with book No. 1: 

Unlimited Power (Tony Robbins)

This was the very first book Tony Robbins has published in 1986, where he teaches us how to use the science of Neuro Programming Language (NLP) to achieve your biggest goals in life. He teaches us in his book how to use a 5-step modeling process to match the work of elite performers. Furthermore, we learn how to improve our memory and creativity by directing our perception. Moreover, he gives some insights on how to improve our communication for better relationship harmony. This is an absolutely must-read for everyone who is interested in personality development!

Atomic Habits (James Clear)

The book is written as a practical guide to help us readers break bad behaviors and adopt positive ones by using four steps- cue, craving, response, reward. The clue is that we have to build small everyday routines to achieve massive future results. The book “Atomic Habits” has been published in 2018 by James Clear and has been sold in one million exemplars. A very easy read and definitely very recommendable. 

Becoming (Michelle Obama)

The life lessons we learn from Michelle Obama in her book are to move forward with our dreams even if our circumstances do not sustain us or we face criticism. As the first female black lady, she has become an inspirational figure during her stay in the White House. An autobiography you have a lot to learn from!

What books have you read and thought they are remarkable? Share them with us in a comment below!





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