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6 Lessons of inner Peace – Lesson 2

Meet your inner child

Finding yourself serenely also means finding your inner child, listening to him, cuddling him and observing him.

First track: love your inner child.

After a few moments of interiorization, make contact with your interior child. Don’t look for any recipe for it. Ask him to come to you and he will. Look at him. Are you small? Is this another image? In any case, you have before you a spontaneous representation of this dimension within you which needs to be loved and reassured.
Ask your inner child what his expectations and needs are?

Let him speak to you freely.
Then make an effort to see in what way his requests and his needs are those which you let interfere in your life as a couple.

Then take the time to love your inner child, to cuddle him. Observe how much this intention does you good, reassures you and comforts you.
For this meditation take all your time, do not recipitate anything.
Do it often as a deep and structuring reunion with a precious part of yourself. Whenever you do this practice, observe your dreams.
It is possible that this child in you will come to visit you there!

Second track: imagine the child of life.

Imagine that you are at the window of a castle and that you look at the park which is below.

See the image of children play together. They are several, installed in a sharing joy. You can hear their laughter and the brilliance of their voices. You are one of those children.

You are watching yourself from far away and you will realize that you are able to live the present moment naturally!

This child is the representation of life in its simplest manifestations: spontaneity, sharing, movement, play …

Think about love and tell yourself what this child is going through (who is you!), with this child we build confidence in oneself … and in the other.

Let these images and reflections fill you with delight. Do not hold back from the emotions that overwhelm you: this child breathes life!



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