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Do things, if they have to be done!

Photo by: Lestexian [샤니아빠]
There are many things you would not need to do them. There has to be always a change. You should start with little things, to be able to make always a step forward. Little and repeated steps could be helpful to you. The politics of big and rapid steps could not fit to you at the beginning. Changes you make could be a path you follow to achieve your ideal.

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From a negative mood to a positive mood

Photo by: BK

It is morning and my clock ringing destroys my sleep. It is a day I start badly, because I have not waken up as I wished. And this has influenced my mood. My daily hassles make the day partly stressful. And this influences my mood. And I just turn into a negative mood, and once entered there I hardly manage to change the course of the dayRead More »From a negative mood to a positive mood

The color play

Photo by: Niklas Morberg

A detachment of the exterior world. Me and myself in a world, in which I want to escape from everyday`s tasks. Canvas, paints brushes, the easel, and a multitude of colors: some of them are warm, others cold. I prepare everything comparing to the presentation of  a lecture. I put all of them carefully next to me in a chaos only controlled by me.

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Where has remained my dream?

Photo by: Neshika Bell

Where have I remained? Where do I stay? In the amalgam of remained and continued information and left over again we find no courage to follow them. I hesitate, I loose myself and hesitate again. I have no courage to do more. I look lost, I cannot gather myself. I try to do something but do not know what. I want to start from where I stand. Read More »Where has remained my dream?