About fragrances and how they influence our feelings
Perfume is the most intense form of memory (Jean Paul Gaultier)
Read More »About fragrances and how they influence our feelings
Perfume is the most intense form of memory (Jean Paul Gaultier)
Read More »About fragrances and how they influence our feelings
For many times I have asked myself why some businesses are really successful whereas others hardly keep themselves on the water surface.
Read More »How to create a pleasant shopping ambiance to increase selling
Light is life. Light is existence. Light is hope. Light is security. Light is emotion…
Everyone of us has a music he or she loves listening to. I prefer to listen to music for many reasons. When I am too stressed, I like to turn on my favorite music and I discover that it is easier to relax.
Since I was a child I had a money box I took care of. Each week my parents gave me pocket money, which I put consciously in my money box. From time to time I went to my shelf, where I had located my money box, and shook and weighted it.
The price reflects quality or quality has its price? Which expression from the two is really true? What do we think when we go shopping and search for a product we want to buy? We see it and its price – so how do we decide to buy a specific product and say “I take this one”?
In the article “how we conform ourselves to shopping” I described that fact, that we human beings tend to behave exactly as the other people around us, when we are in an unknown or uncontrollable situation. Thus we use them as an informational source.
Read More »Why do we behave like others, even if we do not agree with them?
Every time I go to make some shopping with my dear mom I observe something very strange. I always thought that it must be a coincidence but it happens every time to us. When we enter a shop my mom`s attention gets captured by different products, so she takes a closer look at those.
In this article I want to give you an overview over 8 strategies salesperson use to make your cash flow.
Read More »The 8 most common strategies salespersons use to make you buy
Pareto`principle says that 80% of the effects are caused by 20% of our actions or expressed in another way 80/20. This is not a law, because the quotient can be varied according to our actions. Especially, if we focus on the essential things when we act, a better effect can be caused by fewer actions. This principle can be applied on many domains like the branding of your product.
Read More »How to apply Pareto`s principle in product branding
In business positioning is very important and an essential part of the branding process. Positioning means to create a product which has special and unique characteristics. It has to be different from what your concurrence offers. The aim is to offer exactly what your customer wishes according to one`s ideal.
Read More »4 ideas in how to position your product on the market
It is November and you cannot oversee it that Black Friday is coming closer. Since last week I have observed that the TV spots are running on the Black Friday offers – especially gadgets.
Read More »The price is the essential criteria in buying decisions